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18 posts tagged with "cloud native"

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· One min read

We are very pleased to share that we received a very good response from community for KubeEdge contribution competition that started on 23rd April 2019. Participants were given challenge to either fix issues, raise issues, add code towards feature development, requirement identification, promote KubeEdge by writing blogs or create a sample application using KubeEdge. During this period 156 commits and 66 issues were added in the repository. We thank all the community members for making this event a grand success. We believe that community will continue contributions to KubeEdge with same enthusiasm in the future as well. Each and every contribution is of great worth and to honor top contributors KubeEdge team have selected below members as winners of this competition.

· 3 min read

KubeEdge is a CNCF Sandbox project that extends K8s from Cloud to Edge. We would like to invite you to join us in furthering this project and making it useable for everyone. To make this contribution effort more fun, we're proposing a contribution competition. See below for details. May the best contributor win!